Poet Laureate: Collected works of rhyming reviews by LTBC Poet Laureate Keith Gilbert as inspired by a selection of the month:
Technology Essays by Prof. Robert Woods, ASME Fellow: The Book of Life: a special memorial to our departed members:
Twas nigh on fifty years
That Humbert, a pervert he;
Longed for his Lo
So long and deep
And diddled her with lust 'n
Lo - a pubescent lass,
He fondled her where she'd
never been
Lolita, Light of his Life,
Fire in his dong,
Old Hum plucked her deep, he
plunked her long,
Twiddled her strings with
sonorous dong.
Seems he couldn't get
enough of Lo -
Traveled together, to and
fro -
Methinks she gave sex for
comfort, this little tart
And he swapped comfort
for sex ... but gave his heart.
Alas, both went their
separate ways
Left ol' Hum in a frightful
He killed Quilty, lost
his mind
And Lo ... another Dick did
So, in summary, what sin
did old Hum do?
Well yes, he twiddled 'n
fondled our ingenue -
But in fact Lo was no naive
'n innocent lass -
She knew how to bounce
her boobs and gyrate her ass.
So I ask you ... is old
Hum a letch?
No, rather a moral leper, a
bumbling wretch.
Our dilemma is the man's a
But the story's a gem,
a masterwork.
In fact, I myself feel
slightly queerer
'Cause I see a bit of me in
Nabokov's mirror.
Finally, my grade, a
No timeless message, but a great storee!
Tonight we review
"Tuesdays with Morrie"
It's really quite a simple
Our dying prof can't
So instead he tries to
It's neither deep nor too
Though aphorisms do abound
Our book is fueled by pure
Alas, for the mind 'tis a
tepid potion.
The great Secrets of Life
are not found here
Instead, the secretions of
Death I hear:
Bile, phlegm, poop, and snot
Imbue the innards of this
Morrie's message:
Love's the bottom line -
Keep Love, give Love, we'll
all be fine.
And as for one's final
journey - don't look back
Just load lots of Love
in your back pack.
Grades are rendered by
Bibliofools like me
And old Mitch gets a
"Consumptive C."
The fog rolls in
The Führer in his
final foxhole
Hunkers in the bunker
A fortnight to finale
GotterDammerüng flows freely
The fulsome, foaming
fog of war …
orders: Fight to finish
Starre Verteidigung
… Stand Fast!
General Heinrici …
Capitulate, we are finis
retort: Keep Faith!
The eternally ethereal fog
of war …
Americans on fast
Reach the Elbe … no
turning back!
Ike gets duped … a Russky
Stops his foray … Decides
to stay
Flummoxed by the Red
Fog of War.
Now Generals Koniev
Whittle down the formerly
ferocious Nazis
Zhukov’s ploy: A
Phalanx of 40,000 pieces
And a thousand arcs
of light
To pierce the gloaming fog
And Le Femmes finessed
these foglights
Defining Ground Zero for
the fiery Deutsche weapons
Alas, only a few survived
The fuzzy, feeble, foxy
fog of war.
Der Führer
further, in a funk
Hunkering in the deepest,
darkest recesses
Almost “Speered” by
fatal gas
Wafting into his
But saved by a new SS flue
The capricious fog of war.
Berlin fortifications
simply wimpy
Siegfried, Maginot
… done with mirrors
Troops ill-prepared, old
veterans of the VolkStürm
The flimsy, fleeting,
flighty fog of war.
Führer’s Fortress
… Gigantic Flak towers
His besotted fetid
He squints through the
enveloping fog:
“Wo ist Steiner? Wo
ist Wenke?”
Alas he cannot see he’s
run to empty
The stifling, churning fog
of war.
Again Führer
forbids surrender … fight on!
The final orgasm a
ghastly gruel
Of gruesome gore ‘n
He finishes self as
a crumpled coward
A bullet followed by a
pill for Eva
Folded in rugs and set
Führer saved face –
and jaw,
The rest was char.
The deadly, flaming fog of
The battle finally
finished – its final hour
Herr Heinrich Schwarz …
“Abu, Abu…”
The fluttering stork
flies to freedom
And flora flourishes
as Berlin’s rebirth ensues.
And so, the Fog rolls
in, the Fog rolls out
And reminds us just what
war’s about
Tis not to win or lose, I
But to survive another day
Until the next fog finds
us ….!
plucky 9-year old, Dysfunctional family Weekend hike with feuding mom 'n Bro Departs trail ... pees, seeks wrong shortcut back ... Lost ! Stumble down stream, deeper into darkle ... Help! Ubiquitous mosquitoes, noseeums, wasps ... Buzzing, gnawing... Tromps thru mud-sucking swamps ... Waning Walkman wields winning ways via Gordon, Boston reliever #36 Inspiration from suds-swilling Dad, plus #1 Bud ... Pepsi Main companions: soughing wind, squeaking jays, hammering woodpeckers Hallucinations, poltergeist music, eviscerated deer, fitful sleep Pitcher Tom's ghostly challenge: Bottom ninth, ursine up close Scofflaw Herricks' serendipitous entry Renders win from big ol' bear Postgame (hospital) pop-bonding Baseball, luck saved McFarland's tush ... Game over! [Keith challenges the reader to determine the two unique qualities of the above review]. |
Ode To Maltese Falcon |
love this book, I really do, I read it slowly, thru and thru ! Sam Spade is tough, self-serving, greedy, He can cuckold his sidekick, then rip the needy. Both cops 'n thugs Sam seamlessly bluffs - This gumshoe radiates all the right stuffs. Murder, betrayal, cunning and rages, Hammettian vintage is a wine for the ages. We have creepy Cairo, fat Gutman, weasely Wilmer ... what a trio. They craft chaotic chemistry, these depraved dynamos ... con brio ! And beautiful Bridgit with her long, lusty loins, Alas, her loyalty shifts with each drop of the coins. Yet, admidst this black bouquet of lollipops, Sam loves the fight, he shows he's tops. Spade plants a plan, both bright and bold, And reels in truth, be it calamitous & cold. Yea, with both falcon & dove in his quiver, Sam bags his game, he does deliver! A final twist - he bombs his Effie's intuition, Indeed, the redhead murdered Miles ... end of mission ! Thanks for this rivetting read - it uniquely engages, So my grade is an "A," my Last Thursday sages. - K. Gilbert, 4-29-2004 |
Folly Fellacios As an old soldier 1-25-2006
White Noise
10/21/06 To plumb this mystic thing - White Noise I first asked my good ol' "beer-boozin" boys "When you pop a tab, The sound you have ... shhhh ... ht That foamy report is White Noise." Next I queried a mega sports buff Is White Noise really cool stuff? No, he said. But the dribbling sounds of Sports Analysts confounds And this is my anquishing White Noise. I sought a physicists insight What is this White Noise "bite"? The same energy is found In each frequency of sound Alas, his "White Noise" shed no light. I sought Don Delillo's White Noise "Tis Technology, not one of my joys Toxic clouds are oft found Technology and info abound So beware, my biblio-boys." I saw those damn condos arising next door These are no more than rich man's toys. Soon I'll be bombarded with tippling and tubbing, carusing and love-ins Alas, these will be my noxious White Noise! Finally I walked down to my River San Juan A treasure trove of sights and sounds When I put my ear to the flow And listened long and slow I heard Mother Nature whisper, "Keith This is the true White Noise that you seek!" |
Those Things They Carried, O'Brien's Motley crew Rat, Jimmy, Dobbins, And Kiowa the Sioux They sloughed in Viet Nam ... That No Win whore's war Full of fog, feces, fear ... And more Each humped amulets To cope with sheer fear Lingerie, letters, Bibles, pebbles ... Nothing seemed queer Through murderous muck and mire They slogged thru the slime Some persevered ... Some ran out of time Ted Lavender: head shot After taking a pee And Curt Lemon got offed, Blown up in a tree And even survivors Had much life to lose So they humped dreams of girlfriends And fucking dumb cooze Even after the war Each carried burdens inside For the horrifics of war Do not gently subside Yes, painful memories linger Indelibly writ Of war's fogs and fears ... And fields of shit KG 7/26/2007 |
Kabul: Then and
Now [inspired by the
Poem whose translation provided the title to Hosseini's book]
07/08/08 Ah, Tabrizi's 17th Century Kabul, Either Paradise Found ... or its Radiant Jewel. Its dazzling tulips and redolent roses, are sweet simmering opiates to our noses. In the gardens of Sharbara I bodaciously blush From the beauty and fragrance of flora so lush. And sparking Kabul River, with waters so pristinely pure It both slakes my thirst and my maladies does cure. Its countless trees harbor blizzards of birds, Who throat syrupy songs to accompany Tabrizi's sage words And every Kabulian styreet is kept clean and trim, Full of vendors and caravans, vigor and vim. People biped safely, day and night They walk in harmony, there is no fright. And many moons shimmer from her roofs by night And diurnally 1000 splendid suns climb her walls - what a sight And Allah's watch over our jewel never does cease This Paradise Found of Truth, Beauty and Peace! (Kabul Now) Now Hosseini's Kabul teeters on doorsteps to Hell Chaos and carnage from its putrid smell Its tulips dazzleless, its roses shorn The garden of Sharbara ... thistles and thorn The Kabul River runs fetid, in places it ceases And where there is flow, 'tis much offal and feces. Its stately trees felled, as by a jaundiced jihad And its beautiful birds gone, no sweet twittering, oh so sad. All hours missiles and bullets scream overhead And determine - Flash! - Boom! - the maimed and the dead The streets of Kabul are laden with fear Only essential trips taken ... grief and trauma so near. In this Paradise Lost, I asked if they'd dare To bring back Truth, Beauty, and Peace - instead of Despair. "Taliban Truth," they murmured, "are idiots from Hell, And Beauty will blossom only if killing we can quell." "So Allah, pray we, make war soon cease Please grant us this ... we only want Peace!" K. Gilbert
The Road to Nowhere |
Alas, 'tis The Road to Perdition Bleak, barren, and dark ... Man's punition A nameless, hopeless, Father and Son Breathe despair, and tote one bullet, one gun And slog along to complete a doomed mission This Book of Doom, Gloom, and Mire I now must grade ... and risk your ire But oh, my friends, I'm "carrying the fire" Which, indeed, will roar much higher When with The Road I make a pyre! And if my smoke didn't form a "B-" - I be a liar! |
The Dark Energy of Winesburg |
Those calling Winesburg
their home This sullen small town, down in
its dives Two themes dominate – the first: actions unrequited.
Grim and gloomy, melancholy too Relationships are sad,
morose Only George Willard showed life, sparks and insight |
baseball's a blue collar game, And that in no way causes it shame. It's spittin', dust kickin', and cussin' the calls, And fartin' and burpin', then pullin' your balls. Long days on the road, long nites dating boredom, Drinkin' booze, chasin' skirts, and dreamin' of stardom Now, along from Harvard comes this highfullutin' Harbach, His blood - quite blue, yet no blue on his back. He waxes poetic that baseball's high art, Methink this visual's dead from the start...! Indeed, his haute descriptions seem rather queer, Sorta like sewing a silk tie on a pig's ear...! So Chad, please, let baseball stay blowsy and blue With its warts, mud and farts..yet American True !! K.
Gilbert, 10/7/2012
In Callow Youth my fledgling wings Grew strong, knew no fatique I flapped and fluttered, soared on high My only bounds ... earth and sky. And when o'er Mountains did I fly Alas, only big gray rocks caught my eye. So, I sped by ... In Age I found these same mounts majestic - Enticing, vertiginous ... indeed, quite fantastic! But now my wizened body and weary wings Could no longer lift me up to these utopic things So today I sit, gazing up, sipping fine red wines And though my corpus 'tis at Ground Zero My soul's in those tall, tall pines. K.
Gilbert, 9/26/2013
A. Loomis seldom developed a seed But he knew how to plant ... and grow them indeed! Via Persistence, Panache ... and a whole lot of cash! And if little weeds entered his patch His leadership skills were more than a match And if external friction entered pell mell Alfred knew who to call ... and bombard them with hell. And ironically, though radar was his main drum and fife Alfred managed to stay under it ... most of his Life. KG, 28 June 2018 |
At a corner
bar in the French Quarter I saw a special drink advertised.
They called
it, “The Katrina Hurricane.”
It was very
I began to
wonder, “What’s in it?”
But I didn’t
need to ask.
I knew in my
heart it must be a potent “morning after” drink.
….And here’s
how it’s made.
you create a large handcrafted cup out of the soggy first page of your
last year’s tax return and the ink-smeared back half of the first
letter your daughter wrote you from college. You decorate the outside
of this cup with a torn family photo and the tangled residue of a
broken cassette tape for the ribbon—all of these items you easily find
floating in your back yard.
Into this cup
you pour
Two cups of
water—the elixir of life -- living water,
……..Well, yes, it’s river water and a little cloudy, but
Hey, it’s still drinkable—
That is if you
let the gunk settle to the bottom first.
And you drop
in a little sparkle—the joy of finding that your neighbor has
returned…. alive, Ah…..
But you also drop in a nugget of asphalt for spice,
along with an
ugly drop of old oil as well.
You mix in the
honey of remembered friendships that make you smile,
But into the
cup you also wring out a bitter tear or two
from your
tattered favorite shirt
That you found under the upturned chunk of sidewalk.
You pour in a
half cup of graded gratefulness for the day’s warm sun,
And for the knowledge that your sister is now safe in Atlanta,
And for the
fact that you have finally found a store
that will fill
your dad’s Arthritis prescription.
Then, on top
you sprinkle some
you found gathered at the curb
—just to add a burnt coffee aroma to the brew,
A choking
smell that burns into your nose
and stops your
breath short.
With a piece
of broken board you find in the yard next door,
you stir all
this together,
Until it turns into a pasty thickness—
Finally, you
add a gob of soggy, damp, moldy insulation
to supply that
whip-cream-topping-cotton-candy effect.
You warm it
all with a caring, sweaty-t-shirt-hug
that you are offered—
that you relax
because it
offers you the fleeting feeling of belonging
and comfort.
Then, you
prepare to drink down your daily concoction—
A bittersweet,
Maundy-Thursday type mixture,
Reeking of
life on the edge of loss, trauma and uncertainty.
You find
yourself wondering where you will sleep tonight.
AND with an
unsteady hand
you hold this
Cup of Contradiction up to the Sun
and examine it
Finally …….,
satisfied that you cannot see through it
to the light
of the day on the other side,
You exclaim,
The real KATRINA
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
New Orleans,
April 2006.
Not rational,
Tough to
Impossible to
Orleans, April 2006 – a dynamic and disparate community of
resiliently-loving and ever-hopeful people hampered for the moment by
crushing loss, overwhelming unknowns, and a decade of rebuilding ahead.
* * * * * * * * * * * * (return to top of page)
Memory of Dr. Joel Nash
beloved colleague and master of factoids.
Joel Nash, MD,
Professor, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Department
of Dermatology, departed this world on 10 October 2012. Dr.
Nash received his MD Degree from the University of Minnesota in
1964. He completed residency training in Dermatology at the
University of Minnesota in 1970. His Book Club colleagues
were consistently amazed at the details and humor he brought to a
discussion whether it had to do with the flight feathers of a loon or
the cam shaft of a '56 Chevy. One Book Club member noted, "Joel
was an incredibly nice guy with a great sense of humor, unbelievable
knowledge of history, politics, literature, etc. and a great source of
stories and anecdotes. I will truly miss his contributions to
future book club meetings. "
from the Albuquerque Journal, 20 Oct 2012: NASH,
passed away unexpectedly on October 10, 2012 at his home in
Albuquerque, New
Mexico. He was born on August 8, 1939 in Rochester, Minnesota.
His parents were
Leo A. Nash, MD, and Helen Marie Arnquist Nash. He grew up in
Fargo, North
Dakota and St. Paul, Minnesota. Joel attended the St. Paul
Academy, Harvard
College (at age 16), and the University of Minnesota where he received
and MD degrees. He interned at the University of New Mexico
Medical School. He served
two years in the U.S. Army at McAfee Army Hospital on White Sands
Missile Range
as a General Medical Officer and as Chief of Professional
Services. He was
awarded the Army Commendation Medal. Thoughts of Joel
You brought great wisdom to our clan And spread enlightenment on every man. So, Joel, Why, Why, Why? We had no time to say goodbye ... Quick of wit, suave of speech, On most any subject you could teach. You waxed poetic on feathers of a loon, Yet you, yourself, flew away too soon. Joel, Why, pray tell, Why ... We had no time to say goodbye ... Oh, you had a facile mind, from A to Z, Focusing on Big and Small, with insightful levity. So, Joel, Why, Why, Why? We had no time to say goodbye ... Your quips are legion ... humor on high, Followed by that signature twinkle of your eye. Your made us laugh ... yet now we cry. So, Joel, Why, Why, Why? We had no time to say goodbye ... We all must tackle stress and strife, Some bounce up ... some abandon Life. Joel, we respect your choice ... but Why, please Why? We had no time to say goodbye ... So, Brother Joel, we've been truly blessed, By your bodacious brilliance ... and now you rest. But rest assured, your Chair of Honor's here, So quaff your brew, let's spread some cheer! K. Gilbert, 10/25/2012
Memory of Edgar "Ben" Smith
beloved colleague and devoted friend.
brought much
laughter to our meetings and taught us to love the Red
Sox, Flashman, and Cuban
cigars. We will miss him today, tomorrow, and every Last
Thursday.![]() |
Ode to Ben Smith
[ 6/2/32 to 5/12/05] To our beloved Book Club buddy, Ben Alas, we say with angst...Amen. This man of letters, good ken and books, Sterling successes abound in many nooks. Ben's words, soft and crisp, spoken with sardonic smile, Gave insights which radiated a "Texas mile." Ben savored hats, bolos, and sumptuous cigars by the box, And he'd carved a warm niche for his bodacious Red Sox. Now that Ben has finished his "Book of Life," May we tender thought bouquets to Elaine, his wife. Hark, I hear dapper Ben rapping gently on that Pearly Gate, St. Peter surely will not make Ben wait! "You were a magnificent maestro, Dr. Ben, Good life, friends, books – you're a Perfect Ten !! " "And guess what, Ben, our spring training starts today, You'll be team physician and scout ... Play ball I say !! " Adios, Amigo |
Service in
Albuquerque: Saturday, 11 June 2005 at 10 am:
Central United Methodist Church: 1615 Copper NE Albuquerque 87106 Flyer (MS Word) (PDF) Life and Times (Dermanities) |
"... I
shall ever regard as the best and wisest man whom I have ever known." -
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "The Final
Tribute to our dearly departed member Dick Arms
At our Last Thursday Book Club meeting 4/26/2018, following the suggestion of Prof. Easterling, the
members present expressed the desire to honor our recently fallen colleague Dick Arms in some fashion -
should we send flowers to his Celebration of Life to be held at the Strong Thorne Chapel on Saturday 5
May 2018 at 11 am? The consensus was that a charitable donation would be of more impactful benefit to
Dick's memory.
With that in mind, the members donated toward such a gift. This morning, we transacted a grant in the name of The Last Thursday Book Club in the amount of $110 for our departed colleague. At Bonnie's suggestion, the gift was made to the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy. The mission of the Barbara Bush Foundation is to advocate for and establish literacy as a value in every home. In 1989, Mrs. Bush pioneered the national family literacy movement, launching the Foundation that focuses simultaneously on early childhood education for preschoolers and adult literacy for their parents. Barbara Bush Foundation family literacy programs provide low-income parents and their young children, typically birth through age five, the opportunity to attend school together. Toddlers and preschoolers enrolled in these programs are better prepared to start school ready for academic success, while their parents improve their own literacy skills. Teen Trendsetters is another family literacy program that pairs middle or high school mentors with 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade students who are six months or more behind in reading. Participating elementary schoolers improve their reading skills and benefit from increased parent engagement, while teen mentors gain valuable leadership skills. Obituary: Journal Memoir: Fair Condition, Some Pages Missing
Tribute to our dearly departed member Ron Bousek
Our beloved Ron has sadly passed 11 April 2021No fond goodbyes... You slipped away so fast. A man of depth and incisive insight, Of love, warmth, and radiant light. A seminal brother in our LTBC, Ron fit in with grace...pure harmony. Book clubs often yield "blather and blahs", Yet when Ron spoke we all gave pause. Pithy comments delivered with a twinkle and smile, Cast wisdom and wit in inimitable style. Ron, you leave sweet memories, and tho you depart, We have beautiful bookmarks in each member's heart. |
to our dearly departed member Ode to Bob Woods A man of wisdom, a man of light, Bob lived a life so rich and bright, Both art and science were within his span Indeed, he was a true Renaissance Man. Sailing, sail planes, cycling too, Atmosphere, rockets, robots - to name a few, Archeology and music, too, within Bob's ken, You clearly see he stood tall among men. Alas, Bob you've slipped the bonds of Earth, Yet you leave us with much worthy mirth. And your intellect, humor, incisive insight, Would turn deepest darkness to radiant light. Now, Bob, I close with a mantra you oft repeated, "Be brief, be brilliant, .. and then be seated!!" Robert O. WoodsDr. Robert O. Woods, beloved husband, father, and grandfather, died Sunday October 24, 2021 at the University of New Mexico Hospital in Albuquerque. He was 88.Bob is survived by his wife of nearly 55 years, Judy (Neese) Woods, sister Mary Campbell, children Lisa and Rob, grandsons Jernej Cuderman, Robert Reed and Curtis Woods, and many relatives and friends. Born February 17, 1933, in Evanston Illinois, Bob was the son of Anna Welch and Robert Woods. Studying independently, Bob passed the New Jersey State Professional Engineer (PE) exam and achieved a top score on the Graduate Record Exam. In 1960, Princeton University admitted him with advanced standing. Ford and National Science Foundation fellowships enabled him to complete his PhD in Mechanical Engineering in 1966. Bob and Judy married in December of 1965, relocating to Sandia Labs where he worked for over 32 years, focused on atmospheric research, rocketry and balloons, robotics, airborne environmental monitoring, nuclear disarmament, renewable energy and control systems. In 1991, the American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME) appointed Bob as a Congressional Fellow. Serving the U.S. Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs chaired by John Glenn, he advised the United State Congress on national energy policy and strategies to advance engineering education. Throughout his life, Bob had a profound curiosity for Art, Aviation, Science and History. As a member of the American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME) History and Technology Committee, he published numerous journal articles addressing the impact of engineering on history. Although dedicated to his family and rigorous in his work, Bob also pursued his hobbies with gusto. An avid private pilot, sailor, cyclist, and lifelong student of archaeology, his true avocation was flying sailplanes with the Albuquerque Soaring Club. He assembled a home-built aircraft in his garage and sailed with his family on Cochiti and Elephant Butte reservoirs. Over 30+ years working at Sandia, he commuted to work most days by bicycle. In 1979, he toured the historic sites of ancient Greece by ten-speed bicycle. Bob assisted the Institute of Nautical Archaeology in the development of a Remotely Operated Vehicle for the exploration of sunken triremes. He rafted the Grand Canyon, hiked Yosemite, explored the National Parks with his family and made numerous trips up the La Luz Trail. He was an avid amateur radio operator, who worked thousands of Morse code contacts with fellow enthusiasts around the world. Bob and Judy together traveled on many international adventures, from South America to the Pacific, to the Near East. Bob was also a lover of classical music, holding season tickets to the New Mexico Symphony Orchestra for over three decades. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to your charity of choice or to the New Mexico Philharmonic www.nmphil.org. A memorial service is planned for June 2022. Interested friends are invited to contact the family for additional details. A legacy is Bob's Essays on Mechanical Enginrering innovations and inventions, as published by the ASME. |
Obituary: Journal Memoir: Fair Condition, Some Pages Missing |
This page provides
Collected Works of the Poet Laureate: LTBC All Material is copyright protected by Keith Gilbert. This page last updated: 21 December 2021 |
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