Lamar High School 75th Anniversary
20 October 2012                                  Houston, Texas

Sukey Fenoglio Lee, Patsy Kennedy, Barbara Jackson
Lamar Ladies:  Some of our finest from the Class of 1959 attended the 75th Anniversary Celebration of Mirabeau B. Lamar Senior High School, which first opened its doors on 20 September 1937.  At left, Barbara Hoffman Johnson with Sukey Fenoglio;  at right, Lee Chatham Seureau, Barbara Curtis Richter, and Patsy Kennedy Paine in front of our beloved alma mater. 
Dee Post highlight Football TeamJim Jennings
Go Team!   Dee Post Zook-Bell, wearing a "Romney/Ryan" button, triumphs her favorite photo of the Lamar football team of 1959.  At right, Jim Jennings, wearing the treasured and limited collection "I Went to Lamar" button, points out his favorite part of the Class panorama shot (detail from both shown below).
I went to LamarMike B photo
Celebration Videos:   To view a 10-second video from the festivities, click here.   To view another video, click here
photos and videos provided by Lee Chatham Seureau, 20 Oct 2012

Updated 21 Oct 2012             Return to